Before venturing out on my own, I was a college media adviser, focused on advertising and marketing, to some pretty awesome students at a not so small university in southwest Virginia (Go Hokies!). Before that, I earned my degree in marketing at UNC Charlotte. I picked up my computer skills while working for my college newspaper. I’ve been working on my art skills my whole life!
I love stationery and paper goods. Like many stationery designers, I started out doing wedding invitations for friends. I realized though that what I really liked was social stationery and personalized gifts. Once I had my daughter, I started expanding into stationery and gifts for little ones.
I am proud to share that all of my designs are printed right here in the US by small, family or female owned businesses. I take great care in researching and testing products before I introduce them to the shop. If you are ever looking for something in particular please send me a message and I can see what I can find!