Thank You Note Writing Templates for Kids

Now that the holiday season is behind us and we've put away all the decorations, there's just one last thing to do: help our kids write thank you notes for all the gifts they received. 

Gratitude is an important concept to work on with kids. Writing a thank you note helps us to take a moment to appreciate what we received and to share that appreciation with the person who sent us the gift. It's also an excellent opportunity to practice handwriting skills in an increasingly digital age.

There's a really simple format to use with kids: 

  1. Thank their friend or family member for coming to their (birthday)party or other event.
  2. Identify the gift they received from that person.
  3. If they are old enough, have them explain why the gift is special to them.

I've created a printable resource that kids can use to help guide them in their writing. There's two versions with slight distinctions. The first distinction is that one is written in block lettering for early writers and one is in cursive for those learning that technique. The second distinction is the early writer version is very simple while the cursive version has a few more prompts for older kids.

Thank You Note Template

Another helpful resource is the Gift and Thank You Note Tracker in the printable library. This provides a place for you to list out each gift your child received, who it was from and a check box they can use when they have written their note.

If you are looking for additional, age appropriate thank you note tips, I really like this article from Emily Post. It gives a great breakdown by age group from early years to teens.

If you need new thank you notes for your kids, check out the children's stationery collection in the shop. 

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